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Canada Only

The Canadian Islamic Congress (CIC) has established an endowment fund to offer an annual $500 scholarship to a Muslim student who is studying journalism or media related subjects at a Canadian Post-Secondary institution. The annual deadline for receiving nomination at CIC is 12:00 noon on September 30th and the scholarship recipient will be announced at CIC's annual Conference the following year. The student's CV, a letter from the University or College verifying status, and a nomination letter from his/her Muslim community are required.
For more information, contact CIC at:

Canadian Islamic Congress
420 Erb St. West, Suite 424, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 6K6
Tel: 519-7461-CIC
Fax: 519-746-2929
Email: cic@cicnow.com
URL: www.cicnow.com

For 1997-98 school year, The Islamic Development Bank in co-ordination with ISNA-Canada has a scholarship program for students (Canadian Citizens only) belonging to the Muslim Community in Canada. This program is for a study in a recognized university/college for an undergraduate degree in a variety of fields. The selected students would be given a yearly stipend of a maximum of $5000.00. The program is intended for academically strong but financially weak students who are not in receipt of any other scholarships. The scholarship is offered as a loan to be refunded in reasonable installments by the students to The Canadian Islamic Trust Found. There are a number of other conditions. The deadline for applying is July 18, 1997. Application forms are available from:

P.O. Box 160, Stn. `P'
Toronto, Ontario M5S 2S7
Phone: 416-977-2057
Fax: 416-971-6058/905-333-ISNA

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